
Major Powers and Races

Twingate holds the goblinoid forces off from the north. Without Twingate, the entire area would be overrun. Twingate is in theory ruled by DukeEledin, but the Chinless Duke, as he is called, is generally accepted to be a mere figurehead. ArmsmasterDalin sees to the actual defense of the Keep. The BrightBlade is the most-invoked deity of Twingate, though most good and neutral deities are represented.

Demonwood Towns
The towns around the Demonwood are governed by various mayors and magistrates. The Oathmaker Priests, known collectively as the Justicari, keep order in the town. The Foundation and the SkyQueen are also popular among farmers, and the Wanderer is popular with traders.

Goldenwood Towns
The towns around the Goldenwood are governed by representatives of the BlackPillar, which keeps order by force of arms. Though the discipline is harsh and penalties for lawbreaking are severe, the towns are clean, well-maintained, and almost entirely crime-free. Trade between the Goldenwood and Demonwood towns makes for a great deal of the area's economic activity, as do supply shipments from both areas to Twingate.

Elves are rare in this area. You will never, NEVER see an "Elven town" or something of the sort. The elves who live here have travelled to this land from some other place, and they are notoriously vague about where that place is. Most elves are SnowElves, the commonly-described elf that most people know. Some, though, have deep blue or violet skin, and are called SkyElves, and some rare MidnightElves, with black skin and blank white eyes, are occasionally seen. Little is known about the elves or their motivations, except that humanity interests them.

Most dwarves in this area come from the mountains of West Kingsteeth. Now, dwarves are something of a mystery... Dwarves aren't mean, aren't rude, and generally aren't evil, but they always stick together. If a dwarf comes into a room and sees three dwarves fighting three of any other race, that dwarf is going to side with his comrades. "All dwarves are one dwarf," is a popular saying among the dwarves. There is NO combat between dwarves, even if they disagree. The legendary Keepers of the Dwarves ensure order, and act swiftly to eradicate those few dwarves who do not follow the customs of their people.

Gnomes and Halflings are generally found in the East Kingsteeth. Their towns are difficult to find. The gnomes and halflings generally live together, and are not unfriendly with humans or dwarves. They are simply secretive, and not interested at this time in taking part in the power plays that are rife through the area.

Lizard Men
The Eldriss Swamp is home to the Eldrissen, or Lizard Men. They do not often venture from their swamp, but they defend it fiercely. Their precise feelings toward most species are unknown -- sometimes people come and trade with them, and sometimes people are never heard from again.

Blacktooth Forest is home to most of the goblinoid activity in the area. The creatures, and whatever force leads them at any given time, are the reason that Twingate is necessary. In addition to the goblins, groups of rangers and druids call the forest home.

Jade Plains
The Jade Plains is a grassland that ranges from lush countryside to nearly blasted wasteland. The Riders are the primary human inhabitants, a fearsome group that rides great insectile beasts. Gnolls are another common power in the area, though they stay away from the Riders.

The Char is reputedly not a natural desert, but the result of some arcane experiment gone horribly awry. Though not large, it is said that the desert takes many days to cross, as if time or distance worked differently within its borders. The Klith, a band of fierce desert warriors famous for dagger-fighting, make their home in the Char.

Blasted Lands
In the frozen tundras of the Blasted Lands, there are towns and cities that have rarely been seen by the people of Twingate. Some say that magic is strong up in the North, while others say that the people are enslaved by great savage beasts. None know for sure.

In the far north of the East Kingsteeth, it is rumored, one may find the home of the Wyvernin, the WyvernRiders. They are rarely seen around Twingate, and are rumored to be deadly warriors.

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