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Episode Number: (TG401)
Original Airdate: 1/2002

The party meets at Karilon's to discuss upcoming plans, but a visit from Simon brings unexpected peril. With a whole lot of running around and screaming at people and a deadline of 11:45 TST before everyone's closest friends get assassinated, wackiness ensues.

Plot Points: Sex Lives

Plot Points: Simon

  • Simon has now officially brought up the Ta'bar'pur, and people know about them.
  • Simon is now apparently dead, although no one believes this.
  • Simon was apparently bluffing his assassination plan
  • Simon was at one time a paladin of the SkyQueen
  • Simon's true name was mentioned by Karilon -- and Simon appears to know Karilon's true name as well, which gives each of them an edge on the other.

Plot Points: Other

  • K'laeme is one of the heads of the TwinGate Assassin's Guild.
  • The TwinGate Assassin's Guild has been dealt a major blow.
  • The new appointed Duke of TwinGate is a merchant named Rant
  • Plans were underway to make a raid on the Library at IronPass to find out more about Rant and Fayel

Unanswered Questions:

  • What's the Karilon/Simon history angle?
  • Is Simon still alive?
  • Was Simon telling the truth about what he knew of the Ta'bar'pur?
  • Are the assassins gonna be ticked about, you know, the top half of their building?
  • What's more disturbing: the existence of half-orc porn, or the fact that it's published monthly?


This episode took place mainly in real time, as the party tried to find and breach the assassin's guild before the time expired.

In addition to people dating, we saw some interpersonal conflicts... Tierney and Gryff were a bit chilly to one another.

DMP Speaks

The fourth season premiere was a lot of fun to shoot. Very fast-paced, sort of like "24" in that it's a real-time adventure. We had a lot of fun with the editing on that one...

Dude, it's cruel to put up the title before the episode airs

Oops. My bad. Sorry.

I don't think Simon's really dead.

What could possibly make you think that? What are you, paranoid?

Oh. Well then...

What was that purple light coming out of Karilon's hand toward Simon?

Well, either Karilon is a spellcaster, or knowing someone's true name gives you the ability to do stuff to them.

Gryffid Speaks:

I smell a rat.

So we have this duke. Or, rather, we had this duke, who didn't want to leave his post, but apparently he was bought off. Now, if that's the way the har'gra want to conduct business, that's fine, but it still smells rotten. Some merchant who operates boats -- unless he has an entire børking navy at his disposal -- shouldn't be able to pull off this sort of shite, without some serious political backing. Admittedly, I haven't exactly had my fingers on the pulse of local politics recently -- I got tired of that a while ago, probably after a visit to Glain -- but this bodes ill.

And the current division among the dwarves hasn't made me feel particularly good either. Now I have two kingdoms to worry about.

And now the incredible exploding but probably not really dead Simon mentions the possible outside influence of the Ta-bar-something (I don't remember, it was kind of a dippy name) which unsettles me a little bit, but apparently sends dancing bard boy and Arlemis into a fair degree of pain. These beings apparently have something to do with Salin and Reltajoon going all spidershit in the noggin'. I hear these guys can make illithids look like pet hamsters.

I can't really gauge how much of a threat those Ta-bar-whatever are (but Simon seems to think it's big -- ignore for the moment that I personally owe him a severe beating), and I may be just assembling hasty conspiracy theories here, but I have a bad feeling about this. Someone wants to destabilize the region, move in and take over. Or perhaps just roll over us and let us die on our own. Either way, it's not a pretty thought, and I've probably got bigger things to worry about than axes and hammers.

(Gryffid removes his axe-shaped pin, snaps it in half, and discards it.)

Timus Speaks

Dude, my sex life doesn't even merit being declared nonexistant. Oh, and thankfully(?), even I don't know my last name, let alone my true name.

Notable Quotes

(Many quotes about humping trees deleted for Aldamar's safety...or perhaps the safety of the rest of us!)

Patrick: My roleplaying miniature has been blessed by the Vatican.

Timus: (cheerfully) Oh, I'm sure nothing we do will awaken the dark magic!

Sendant: Do you know anything about the assassin's guild in this town?
Tahlia: There's an assassin's guild in Twingate?
Sendant: Thank you very much. (leaves hastily)

Timus: A minor curse?
Arcanae Proprietor: I almost guarantee there's a saving throw.

Guard: Halt! Who goes there? What is the meaning of this disturbance?
Sendant: It's Captain Sendant. Piss off.
Guard: Oh, sorry.

Arlemis: Are you a smoker?
K'laeme: (looking at his thoroughly charred room) Well, I am now...

K'laeme: Oh, this is one o' them "Attack the assassin's guild to stop the contract" things, huh?
Party: Um, yeah.
K'laeme: Well, ordinarily I wouldn't do anything about it, but seein' as how you've all got me at swordpoint, I think I can make an exception just this once.
Timus: Great, it's the necklace one you're suppose to check at 11:45.
K'laeme: Ahhhh... Not ringin' a bell.
Tierney: (hands to face) Simon was bluffing.
Party: Patrick, you suck.

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