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Full Name
Gryffid Trahaern
Played By
Tony Monroe
Gryff, Fistkiller, Dwarf With Axe, The Spell-less, Flyswatter
Dwarf (duh)
Fighter, member of the TwingateGuard, Fighter, aspiring weaponsmith, Fighter
Nobody in particular, but groks the BrightBlade, the Savage, the Architect, and the Foundation somewhat.
Joined Party
The very beginning, Tree Huggers
Signature Techniques
Favorite Spell
Remove Limb (Amputation/Necromancy)


Gryffid is tall, for a dwarf -- almost as tall as your average female elf. He is bald, with a carefully-groomed beard of some very dark color. Physically, he is very impressive, boasting incredible strength, and above-average dexterity and toughness. Mentally he's no slouch either, but that doesn't stop him from acting without thinking once in a while.

In his most fearful guise, about the time of Goldenelf: Gryffid is clad in the WraithChillArmor, a black suit of full plate mail which seems to radiate cold faintly. He carries the SunsetBlade in one hand and the MilitiaShield in the other. On his head he wears the MinotaurHelmet; it seems to make him look a bit more savage (and a bit less bright) than usual. Barely visible on one hand is the CaverunnersRing. Occasionally another Dwarven voice is heard near him -- a particularly aggressive-sounding one.

In his current guise, Gryffid wears the Dauntless Plate, carries the Treant Shield in one hand and Morrach's Dirge in the other. He wears the Tabard of the Gryphon over his armor and cinches it with a heavy belt. A cloak and a well-made pair of boots complete his outfit. (Gryff-chan CHECK!)

Off duty, he wears simple but well-made clothing. He carries an ordinary longsword at his hip.

Originally from the WestKingsTeeth Mountains, he's the youngest of five, and he took a lot of abuse at the hands of his elder siblings, until he realized that he had the brawn in the family. Now they just taunt him verbally. His father is lame in one leg, but is a well-respected blacksmith.

He styles himself as the supreme bludgeon of the party, though he tends to favor axes of Dwarven craft when he works.

Gryffid had a good working relationship with Leny, probably because she has been known to swing axes with great skill. Morally, their stances are somewhat different, but that seems to be transcended by the whole comrades-in-arms thing.


Season Two: Gryffid gets scapegoated in a massive political plot. He survives a few assassination attempts, meets his maker in a particularly evil tannery (but gets raised), flings excrement at jailers, gets to be a defendant in a murder trial, and helps to expose all sorts of political ugliness. And all he gets is the Bronze Spear, a civilian honor. Grumble. It was a tough season, and he doesn't discuss it much.

AlternateReality: In Tierney Through the Looking Glass, the alternate-universe Gryff (coincidentally, also named Gryff) seemed to be quite comfortable around alt.Kaelith, but there was no overt romantic involvement between the two. His short Dwarven legs and the fast, deadly Ta'bar'pur combine to remove him from that world.

Season Three: Gryff gets to see the other side of party death, as Tierney and Leny meet the business end of minotaurs, after being weakened by stirges. (They were later raised.) Later that same dungeon, he is charmed by Illithids and has a few choice words for both Tim and Tierney. Nonetheless, he starts to prove that he is the formidable fighting force that he has always claimed to be. With clerical help, he clings tenaciously to life, despite being put down several times in one long battle, and abandons some rather cool loot in favor of helping Leny get out of the collapsing dungeon alive. Of course that would end up being almost for naught...

Season Four: Gryff grows colder towards others. There are many dwarves who don't like him much, especially among the Keepers; this is mostly due to his increasingly twisted loyalties and his attempts to see the "bigger picture."

Season Five: A trip to somewhere out on the WorldRose has thrown things into perspective for Gryff. He seems very determined to restore Sendant's soul to its rightful body, and wouldn't mind fixing Arlemis' predicament either. Gryffid acts more confidently and puts up with less nonsense.

Season Six: Everything goes to hell. No, scratch that, wrong season. The party gets played into paving the road to hell. Gryffid hates those damn true Elves who were probably just power-mongering anyway, behind their enigmatic, aloof exteriors. They will pay for playing us.


Gryffid was raised from the dead by a priest of the OlderSister. Many people find it very unlikely that he went through this without a single spiritual experience. He says the first thing he remembers after recovering was Leny in tears.

Gryffid may have been somewhat distraught at Leny's unfortunate end. He did not want to be near anyone for a while after that. Perhaps he did not want his face to be Leny's first vision after being raised?

Combine the previous two rumors with Arlemis-the-Ripper's known romance with alt.Leny, and Arlemis' subtly changed feelings towards Leny as a result of the chess-piece incident. Is there a possibility for romantic tension later, or does a full-blooded Dwarf have no chance against half-elves?

But before that question can be answered, how does Gryffid feel about Leny now that she's run off (been dragged off) and (been forced to) join the BlackPillar's legions? "Confused" would be a start...

Though those feelings will probably have to be shelved while he tries to digest a few new pieces of information: someone or something wants DukeEledin out of power; the dwarves are divided over who they want to be the new king (and it is a very ugly division); a group of beings known colloquially as the TBP want to rule the world.

Part of Gryffid believes that these three facts are actually the same fact. And with certain events in Season Six, he's even more sure of it.

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