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Tierney Thornbane

Race: Human

Occupation: Bard, Twingate guard, Karilon's aide

Worships: Um.

Joined party: in the very beginning

Played by: ColinAnderson

Tierney grew up in the Demonwood towns -- somewhere near Glain. He hasn't talked much about his past, and it's hard to tell if he has any family, but from the sound of it he grew up on the streets and started traveling at a young age. He's a cheerful and unconcerned sort of fellow, at least at first glance. And at least when there's nothing obviously trying to kill him (Update 2/02: This is no longer ever true). He must be paying more attention than it seems, though, because he always seems to know a little more about your magical items or your commander's political stance or your mistress in Bergis than you expect. While he sometimes talks as if a coward, he seems to be comfortable enough in combat, perhaps trusting his preternatural quickness and defensive spells to keep him out of harm's way. And it's funny, but even though you've never had an overwhelming love of music, there's something about his songs and performances that can truly raise your spirits.

AlternateReality: Tierney was the one character without an alternate. He got to experience the joy and wonder of the world of the Ta'bar'pur and carry those memories back with him, which is probably why he looks like he hasn't been getting much sleep.

Enemy Update 2/02:

Note: Every npc is a potential enemy. PCs, too. Just look at Aldea.

Related Quotes (from episode listings):

Tierney: (weakly, as if severely injured and horribly embarassed) Does anybody have a rope...and a priest?
Timus: Why? For a wedding?

Tierney: How about I go first, and you rush in and save me when something horrible happens.

Gryffid: Oh, gods, poison, arrrrrrrrthepainYAKYAKYAK [coughs up own pancreas and keels over]
Tierney: Oh, man, I've got to get over there --
DMP: ...And there's some loot to your south.
Tierney: Well, I'm sure Gryff will be fine.

Patrick: When my fuckin' iron golem needs flanking to hit Tierney?!

Devon: It's a flail of sex change, right?
Dave: Tierney's now a guy?

Patrick: There's going to be a little gargoyle ball with Crispy Tierney Center.

Tony: So who gets to wake up with the odd woman next to them?
Colin: I have a charisma of 20...

Reltajoon: BURN IN THE ETERNAL FLAMES OF...(spell fizzles)...wait a minute.
Arlemis: Were you trying to cast a spell?
Reltajoon: (dejected) I just burned a 7th level spell on you...

Reltajoon: EXPLORE THE ETERNAL MYSTERY THAT IS THE FLAMES OF MY...(spell fizzles)...hey, wait.
Tierney: Wait wait wait. Now I'm ready.

Yadarjin: Our store has a strong commitment to excellent prices.
Emcee: (glares at Tierney) Commitment is such a wonderful thing to have, isn't it?
Tierney: I continue to drink.

Aldea: I'm only 4.5 feet tall. My cleavage is limited.
Tierney: On the other hand, all of us have a wonderful vantage point.

Colin: Did you say "the first demon?"
Patrick: (shifty-eyed) You worry too much.

(note: the Ta'bar'pur (incredibly powerful evil things) have taken to calling Tierney "Tahilranev".
The quote below takes place after accidentally teleporting to a temple in the middle of nowhere.)
Monk: Yes, we await the return of the Sorrowful Observer of Truth, Tahilranev.
Geordan: [laughs uncontrollably]
Tierney: Um... hm.
Monk: We have some brochures in the gift shop.
Tierney: Someone pick one of those up, will you?

DMP: Who's feeling lucky?
Colin raises his hand. Dave points to Colin
Colin: {not looking) He's pointing at me, isn't he?

Guard: Just step through the gate. It should be perfectly safe; system shock hasn't been used since 1st edition.
Tierney: I'll just send in my page first.

Patrick: Emcee appears to be stripping leaves off the trees to make a blanket that... what?
Colin: You're not allowed to start any sentences with "Emcee is stripping..." anymore.

Colin (casting Cure Light Wounds on Gryff): *shping!* *shping!* *shping!* *shping!* ... God, I wish I were a priest.

Tierney: I mean, if I were to claim that I were the Sorrowful Observer of Truth, how would you know if it were true?
Catan: Aha! (Presents the brochure "So You Think You're the Sorrowful Observer of Truth.")

Greyfist: Well, you see, we of the Shadowless Order are committed to --
Tierney: Oh, were you the ones trying to kill me?

(As Pat awards the party with experience for dealing with Simon:)
Tierney: We will never forgive you for the wrongs that you ooooooooh!

Colin: I'm NOT the closest person to the Pit Fiend, okay? I'm not! (Everyone looks at the board.)
Colin: ...What's my Bluff?

Colin: [The fiendish dire displacer beast] has a clear line to charge the Fiend.
Pat: Why don't you charm him?
Colin: Okay.
Pat: ...Wait... don't...

Pat: The fire giant fumbles through a pile of gold and gems...
Geordan: Gold and gems?
Tierney: I smell something.

Colin (while Tierney talks to Simon): Don't tell him about the Soul Forge. Don't tell him about the Soul Forge.
Patrick: And Tierney says?
Colin: Nothing.
Tim (to Tierney): Don't tell him about the Soul Forge.
Colin: Damnit!

Tierney (rolling a Bardic Lore check): By "never heard of it" I mean "natural 20 "...

Tierney: There are exceptions to any rule.
Tim: And you're most of them.

Trapped demon: Human! Free me and I will grant you the powers of the cosmos!
Tierney: I'm not comfortable with authority...

Tierney: So what you're saying is that you'll actually double cross me, stab me in the back, and take my body along just for fun.
Trapped demon (lying badly): ...nnnnnno...?

Colin: I may have failed my Reflex save.
Patrick: I'm sorry, I don't understand the words you are saying.

Colin: It's 6 on 5, we can win this.
Jen: Aren't you a puddle of mush?
Colin: Well... not necessarily...

(A cleric casts a death spell at Tierney.)
Colin: You have to roll 50% miss chance to hit me.
Pat: Graaah. (Rolls.)
Colin: And you have to beat SR.
Pat: Graaah. (Rolls.)
Colin: And THEN it doesn't work.
Pat: Actually, I rolled two 1's.

Arly: So what did people prepare for fighting shadows?
Tierney: ...Prepare?
Tim: We're fighting shadows?
Arly: If my tear ducts worked, I'd be crying.

Tierney (to a dire shark he just charmed and had attacked another shark): Thank you my friend, but make it look like an accident!

Timus: I hate to play these sorts of games, but what would have happened had we not destroyed the device?
Tierney: The Penumbral Lord would have goaded us into destroying it eventually. It was a plot thing, we couldn't avoid it.
Patrick: I'm RIGHT HERE!
Colin: That's what you told us, verbatim.
Patrick: Well, yeah.

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