

Episode Number: (TG605)
Original Airdate: 4/2002

In a special extended-length episode, the party takes on three Oathmaker clerics and three iron golems deep inside the Ta'bar'pur fortress. After an intense battle, Timus traps two of the clerics in a wall of force, forcing all three clerics to Word of Recall out of there. The party returns to the Temple of the Bright Blade to recuperate, and catches up on current events with Simon. Meanwhile, Timus and Sendant borrow some quality Scrying time from the BB temple for a view of the "city to the north". The next morning, the party plans on Teleporting there.

Plot Points


Unanswered Questions

Notable Quotes

(Sendant Blade Barriers an entire room.)
Geordan: 16d6 is... 62.
Patrick (rolls): ...Whew, he makes it.
Colin: Bastard with that Reflex save.
Patrick: Reflex save? That was his massive damage save.

Colin: I may have failed my Reflex save.
Patrick: I'm sorry, I don't understand the words you are saying.

Colin: Golems are neutral?
Patrick: Golems believe in the balance between the things they hit and the things they walk on.

Colin: It's 6 on 5, we can win this.
Jen: Aren't you a puddle of mush?
Colin: Well... not necessarily...

(Patrick rolls to hit Sendant.)
Pat: ...31?
Mike: No! Piss off!
Tony: Now THAT'S the Bright Blade.

(A cleric casts a death spell at Tierney.)
Colin: You have to roll 50% miss chance to hit me.
Pat: Graaah. (Rolls.)
Colin: And you have to beat SR.
Pat: Graaah. (Rolls.)
Colin: And THEN it doesn't work.
Pat: Actually, I rolled two 1's.

(Mike rolls a 2.)
Pat: Would you like to borrow the sledgehammer?
Mike: ...After the game.

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