Gods and Monsters
(or, who has what)
Every God has helpers. The Angels of the SkyQueen are legendary, and the DivineFuries of the BrightBlade are said to have turned the tide of great battles against darkness. Generally speaking, here's what the various gods are likely to have in the way of ground support -- the average person would have a vague idea about some of this, while a cleric, paladin, or monk would know a great deal more.
The Good Gods
- BrightBlade: The DivineFuries, powerful celestial warriors
- KingAndQueen: Normal celestials, many in number
- HearthMistress: The Illuminated, good beings possessing great divine magic
- FairSisters: General good outsiders, not very combat-oriented
- ShoreWasher: The Waves, creatures somewhere between celestials and water elementals
- Wanderer: Chaotic good outsiders, creatures of freedom and life
The Neutral Gods
- Architect: The Builders, powerful divine golems with magical ability
- Balance: An equal number of demons, devils, and celestials
- Continuance: Lifegivers, powerful beings possessed of great healing magic
- Coward: Some chaotic celestials, some chaotic demons, and some strange, unknown creatures
- OathMaker: Celestials with a decidedly neutral bent.
- Prophet: The MetaSages, beings of unsurpassed knowledge and great magical power
- WildOne: The World Elementals, with enormous physical power and immunity to most magics
The Evil Gods
- BlackPillar: A vast horde of devils, and, surprisingly, a few celestials with strong lawful tendencies
- Cataclysm: Lotta demons, a few devils
- CryptLord: Mostly devils, a few demons, and a shitload of undead
- Savage: Demons, prety much demons
- Temptress: Sexy demons and devils. Not a lot of combat emphasis
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